Saturday, October 08, 2005

Man vs Machine (AnMon 5.07)

It's been a while, but i just started playing a personal man vs machine match again. This time i am playing a winboard version of the AnMon (AnMon 5.07) engine through the Fritz interface. These matches i make up myself, consist out of 4 games each. Starting off against the engines lowest ratings, with timecontrols of 15 minutes and 15 seconds incremental time with each move. Afterwards i usually play a 5th casual game at full strength. AnMon is rated ELO 1570 at it's lowest, and ELO 3000+ at full strength. I am currently in the lead by 1 out of 4, but it is playing very weak. I have come across something about it's performance through Fritz (or ChessBase) interface. It was said it doesn't perform really well through it. Notation of the games, analysis and more, can be found here.


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