Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Two Knight's The Bobby Fischer Way :-)

After going through some Giuoco Piano games at ChessGames.com, which included a game played by Bobby Fischer (which isn't a Giuoco Piano game at all btw), i logged on to the Playchess server to play this game (click to replay). I was looking to play a Giuoco Piano as White, but it turned into a Two Knights Defence. As was the game played by Bobby Fischer (playing the White side). It must have gotten stuck in the back of my mind (and why wouldn't it), because if you compare the games, you'll find some similarities. Atleast during the opening stages ;-) Love the attack!

Now, i know there are a bunch of moves for which i could have found better ones. I analyzed the game allready (up to some point), so... But you have to know that the problem with me playing blitz is that i take too much time. Which gets me into time trouble. After which my moves become hasty choices. But enough with the excuses. The chessviewer appeared to be having problems with the (better move) variations i put in, so i am unable to show them. There is some annotation however...


At 25 April, 2006 12:45 , Blogger takchess said...

Nice attack. I do like to play the fork trick and the sac on b7 does take that away from black. This was simalar to a game I played recently as black and lost.
I enjoyed the annotations.

At 27 April, 2006 04:14 , Blogger Edwin 'dutchdefence' Meyer said...

For some reason i knew you were the one to like it ;-)

Glad to see you did.

At 20 May, 2006 21:14 , Blogger sm100.ru said...

> After going through some Giuoco Piano

Try music games here www.flashmusicgames.com

its nice


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