For those of you who are concerned about the loss of quality chess blogs i've got a hat tip for you; doggers●schaak. For my english speaking/reading visitors i would like to refer to it as doggers●chess. A personal favourite of mine. It even made it's appearance on the ChessBase website which published an interview with grandmaster John Nunn conducted by the weblog's author Peter Doggers.
Here is what the ChessBase website has to say about it;
Peter Doggers chess blog was launched in February this year. After just seven months it now has around five hundred unique visitors each day. The site offers a wide range of subjects: news, stories, analysis and even articles with streaming video. The highlight so far was the Olympiad 2006 coverage. The author has a rating of 2232. He achieved an IM norm in Amsterdam, 2004, beating then almost GM Daniël Stellwagen in an attractive last round game. The journalist/editor writes his blog in Dutch, and is not planning an English version soon. "But who knows," he says.Not that I need a ChessBase article to point out the weblog's quality (i was a fan long before that), but i just thought i'd mention it.
Anyway, the ChessBase coverage is somewhat outdated, because not long after the article appeared, the author decided to start publishing in english as well. So, to my english speaking/reading visitors; If you're looking to fill the void others left behind, i can highly recommend doggers●schaak.
Untill next post!
Hi Edwin, I'm happy to see that you are writing again. After almost a month of silence I was affraid you might have lost inspiration.
Since he started posting in both English and Dutch, I've been unsure whether to keep doggers-schaak listed under Dutch chess blogs or move it up with all the other active chess blogs in English.
I follow TCG, Boylston, Doggers and Kenilworthian (while active) daily.
Peter is very nice guy, he helped me with wordpress installation.
Hey Majnu! It is just that i don't seem to get around to it. But as i mentioned before, start worrying after atleast a period of six months. But thanks for your concern ;-)
DG, Why don't you create a bi-lingual section on your sidebar... Otherwise since it is available in english now, you could place a link in both section. Dutch & English. But for some reason it is indeed a tough choice ;-)
Hello Goran! Never knew you was keeping an eye out on my weblog. Anyway, i guess Peter probably is a nice guy. Although it is hard to tell when you do not know someone in person. Let's just assume he is ;-)
Hi there!
I’m trying to solve some problems with my new template and wondered if you could help me out. Could you please check out my blog and see if the layout is as it is supposed to, that is with the title “Samurai Chess” at the top of the page.
It seems that people with Internet Explorer 6.0 or older has problems viewing the page correctly, namely some problems with the scrolling function which puts the title and posts further down on the page.. Some have updated their IE to the new 7.0 which seems to have worked out fine. Please get back to me if you experience any problems.
/Chris aka Samuraipawn
Hmm... If chess was only really that easy ;-)
Hey Samurai!
Nice template! But i must inform you that i am part of the DUMMIES group when it comes down to providing a solution for your problem. I may have some stuff integrated into my template that makes you think the opposite, but it is true (the DUMMIES part). You don't want to know how much work i put in to integrate extra stuff into my template while trying not to screw it up.
But did you change anything to the template after you started using it? Or was it like that when you first started using it? My best guess is that something has been resized to make it look out of shape.
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