So what do you do to protect your blog?

After some surfing on the web for more on this blog hijacking trend (because it doesn't end with just the two blogs i mentioned, it really is a trend), i came to find out that you shouldn't expect much help from Blogger's support service (if there even is such a service) in any such case. I guess that means we'll just gonna have to try to keep from being hijacked. I am thinking of periodically backing up my templates (with change). And in case of a hijacking, i can just create a new account and replace the new templates with the backed up ones. Ok, so i'll lose my pagerank. But is that really such a big deal? I also came across this password generating website. Which offers ultra high security passwords :-)
How about using that for a chance of passwords every couple of days or so? Do you think this password generating site is any good?
Oh, and on the subject of chess, i will be posting that Queens Gambit Accepted game from the previous post with commentary anytime soon. I know i said i couldn't in the first place, but i think i'm able to manage after all.
Untill next post!
yes the password-generating site is good and can be trusted.
GRC is well-known for its leak tests of firewall software.
Blogg hijacking appears to be too much work for too little reward. There should be a blogger process to kill the hijacked sites.
I didn't know about blog hi-jacking... Strange !? .. does it really depend on the password ?
To tell you the truth... I don't know :-)
But they probably have more ways then one.
I think the site is good to generate the password and trusted.
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