ChessVille Free Playing Zone (and an update on what's happening)
While visiting ChessVille a couple of days ago, it came to my attention that the site offers it's own place to play (live) chess. It seems they had it up in the past and closed it down for whatever reason (atleast that is what i understand from what i've read). And now they've brought it back (i don't know the exact date when, but it was news to me)! The server makes use of Flash, so there are no downloads required. Here's a screenshot.

As for me, i am having a difficult time finding time to sit down in front of the computer and continue working on PCT. If i do find the time, i find myself being either too tired (to the point where all i want to do is just lie down and fall asleep), having a serious headache, or trying to manage all of the turn-based correspondence type games i've got going across the web (let's hope practice compensates somewhat for not actually studying). But i hope i soon get the chance to get back to active studuty :-)
So don't take me of your sidebars just yet ;-) Start worrying when i still haven't posted after half a year or so.