As a big fan of server based correspondence type chess play, i was pleased to find out that
IECG has now taken it to the web, giving members the oppurtunity to play through a
A little info about IECG;
The IECG: With over 10,000 members the International E-mail Chess Group comes is the #2 largest (unofficial) CC club, next to the (officially reckognized) ICCF, and operates as a 100% volunteer-based organization and does not charge fees of any kind. The IECG features tournaments such as “class” events, 2-game matches, Quads and Thematic Tournaments. A “Thematic” tournament involves nothing more than a series of pre-arranged moves to which all players agree. The “real” game starts at the end of this sequence. Thematic events, as the name implies, illustrate some particular opening. All players should know that these clubs do not “teach you to play chess”. You must already know the rules of the game beforehand.
When it comes to correspondence chess via E-mail, IECG is one of the most esteemed servers with 8 years of experience and a rapid increase in the number of members each year. IECG provides Internet users with the opportunity to play rated email chess games with people all over the world for free. Joining IECG is easy, all you need to do is to log on the website and fill in some details. Then an experienced tutor from tutorials office will train you in a friendly atmosphere and when he/she makes sure that you are ready to play, you get your IECG ID to join any IECG event any time during the year.
Anyway, i have been a member of
IECG (of which i think you should be a member of if you are anywhere near serious about correspondence type chess play) for quite some time now, and received numerous invitations to participate in events/tournaments played via E-mail. The way IECG intended it to be. But i never participated in any of them. I would have eventually, but at the time submitting moves and playing the game strictly by way of E-mail seemed too much of a hassle, and i was secretly hoping they would turn server based. And now they have :-)
I'm playing my first IECG server based (open) tournament as we speak.
This post should also be of interest to Knight Errant
J'adoube, who (since he also became somewhat of a correspondence type chess play fan) mentioned somewhere he would like to expose himself to different levels of opposition, particularly stronger levels. And in that case, i would like to recommend registering at IECG. IECG houses players like
John C. Knudsen,
Simon Webb,
Jorge Rodriguez and
Dieter Gutsche, to name a few. Ofcourse it's not very likely you will face these players, but the fact is IECG houses the more serious correspondence chess player, assuring strong competition.
A few impressions;

As you can see, these are impressions from the tournament i enrolled in + my current ranking. Though my current ranking doesn't say much since i haven't completed any games yet. But i have to say i am very pleased with the way thing's look/feel/work.
Anyway, if you're interested in playing correspondence type chess on a more serious note, make sure not to pass up on
Untill next post ;-)