No more reports (for a while)
I am not going to be reporting for a while (atleast not about playing and training) since i am in the process of setting up a new chessviewer (my favourite one) for replayable games. Also, i really want to begin analyzing and annotating my current games database, which are only 37 yet! The reason i want to start doing this, is because i don't want the games to pile up again and not do anything with them, besides having them analyzed by fritz. That's what happened with my previous games database, which held about a 1000. Now i want to do the analyzing (and annotating) myself first, before having them analyzed with fritz (if at all), and ofcourse before they pile up again, not being able to keep up with the growth of the database (in terms of analyzing and annotating). And i feel analyzing and annotating games myself will teach me more about my game then having it analyzed by fritz. Cause to tell you the truth, fritz's analyzing taught me little, or nothing at all. Also, these analyzed and annotated games can be used with the new chessviewer. It handles variations (i believe). The viewer i'm using now does not. I can only show the variations through annotations. And annotated variations never did me any good to tell you the truth... It only made me very tired while trying to look them up in the game i was viewing. Also, i have to catch up on some movies i've downloaded. I never get around to watching them like this, but still filling up the HD. Oh, and maybe play some San Andreas as well :)